- One-of-a-kind • Size: 32" w x 32 " h x 7 "d • Approx. Run Time: 8 hours
- Sold 2/14/2017 • Blink © 2016
- Blink Directions (not yet available)
About Blink

I got the inspiration for Blink while I was working on Infinity. It uses the same mechanism but with an asymmetric patterning wheel. The idea popped into my head while I was assembling Infinity wheels. I wanted to see what would happen if the fans were mounted in opposite directions. It turned into a challenging project because asymmetrical wheels are way out of balance. The rim and smaller fan design are required to balance the larger fan flipped in the opposite direction.
I like the way the patterns shift between the "waterfall effect" and the "Blink effect".
I'm releasing it as a one-of-a-kind design because there just isn't time to introduce another edition piece this year and I wanted to show it.