Inspiring Art: Dalí-esque Violins by Phillippe Guillerm


Surrealist artist Salvador Dalí painted amazing paintings of dripping clocks. His most famous work, The Persistence of Memory, depicts his dripping clocks perfectly. Artist Phillippe Guillerm takes a similar approach to his spring instrument sculpture by removing the usual rigidity of the instruments.  

Electoral Promess

According to Guillerm's website, "Guillerm began his professional life in Paris, France the city where he was born in 1959 and lived for twenty years... Guillerm's music-inspired sculptures are whimsical and curvaceous string instruments, he uses the theme as a way of expressing human nature and needs, you see an instrument, he sees an attitude." 


These are some pretty inpresive pieces carved from various exotic and local wood such as Mahogany, aspen, Jacaranda, poplar, wengue, purple heart, and walnut.  

Head over to Guillerm's website to check out more of these pieces.